College for Kids
General Information
College for Kids is a summer program of enrichment classes offered by NC RESA. Classes are designed to provide students entering grades 1-12 the opportunity for an in-depth study of a subject or field of interest. College for Kids allows students to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) concepts and Michigan Career Pathways in an engaging way. Students will also explore the types of programs offered at the Newaygo County Career-Tech Center. We ask that your child bring a labeled water bottle (with their name), as they may use the Career-Tech Center’s water stations throughout the building.
On-Line Registration
Newaygo County Students Register on-line: ncresa.recdesk.com
Opens April 10th at 8:00 AM; Closes May 10 th at 5:00 PM
Please have your student’s name, address, phone, date of birth, medical information, and T-shirt size available during registration. All forms will be completed on-line at the time of registration. Grades listed for camps are the grade your students will be enrolled in for Fall 2024.
For a full day program, there is a $30 fee for the week, and for a half day, there is a $20 fee for the week for students in Newaygo County.
Every student will receive a t-shirt. Seats are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first served basis once payment has been secured through the on-line system or payment by check received.
Payment in full is due by Friday, May 31.
Make checks payable to Newaygo County RESA and mail to NC RESA,
Attn: College for Kids, 4747 W. 48th Street, Fremont, MI 49412.
Confirmation is sent after on-line registration is received.
Daily Schedule
AM Session: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
PM Session: 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(Building location will be identified on confirmation receipt.)
●Career-Tech Center, 4645 W. Career Pathway, Fremont
●Educational Service Center, 4747 W. 48th Street, Fremont
Week 1
June 17 - 21
Week 2
June 24 - 28
Refund Policy
If your child is unable to attend a class for which he/she has registered, please request a refund by May 31, 2024 via email to: sip@ncresa.org
Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. For safety and convenience, students should be picked up promptly at the end of the class. Those who are on the child’s registration form and allowed to pick up child MUST come into the building. Kids will not be allowed to wait outside for their ride.
Please contact:
Andy Melius (amelius@ncresa.org) phone: 231-924-8827,
Kathy Truman (ktruman@ncresa.org) phone: 231-924-8828
Funded by a grant from
Fremont Area Community Foundation